Thursday 31 May 2012

{Museings of a Bookish Sort}

I love books- a book is a lovely thing. I like the way the pages smell, and the tattier it is the better...that just means someone has enjoyed it immensely.

The sight of bookshelves filled with colourful spines just makes a room come alive, and the volumes in it speak to you about the person who reads them. Books are personal, what makes you want to read one or the other? The reason is totally wrapped up in who you are and what captures your imagination.

Bookmarks are something I enjoy as part of the book I am reading. When I reopen the pages, my bookmark is a splash of colour there to greet me. While I have, on numerous occasions, tried to use bookmarks that are built for that purpose, I never seem to want to actually use them. On the other hand, I adore found scraps of paper.

When I get one of those pretty little cards in the mail, the card and its postmarked envelope are whisked into service. Unless you are one to hold onto things like cards, envelopes and postcards they tend to eventually get tossed in the dustbin. I think that's such a shame, as it seems a waste of pretty stationary (which few bother to use anymore), and it's such a treat to get something lovely in the mail. So why not get all the enjoyment from it that I can?

I sometimes open a book and find one of my "bookmarks" still nestled in its pages, which reminds me of the thoughtful person who sent it. That always makes me feel happy, so I continue on saving beautiful scraps of paper.

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